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Working with Meaning and Purpose, Catholic Charities DC served 143,000 People Last Year

As we approach the dawn of a new decade, we at Catholic Charities DC want to take a moment to recognize and celebrate some of our accomplishments from 2019. Of course, the impact we’ve had across the...
by bbdeveloper
December 31, 2019

A Unique Office Holiday Tradition

“The best gift one can give oneself is the gift of giving.” This quote graced Obsidian Global’s holiday cards this...
by bbdeveloper
December 30, 2019

Christmas at Catholic Charities!

Christmas is always a busy time at Catholic Charities, and this year was no exception. Thanks to the generous support of our donors and volunteers, we were able to provide comfort for those in need, focusing...
by bbdeveloper
December 23, 2019

‘Village of Women’ Serves as Compassionate Community for Mothers in Need

One of Catholic Charities DC’s strengths and what differentiates us from other charitable organizations is that we provide services to...
by bbdeveloper
December 18, 2019

Together, we can put a gift under the Christmas tree

For most children, Dec. 25 is the one day of the year they are happy and willing to jump out...
by Will Espinoza
December 5, 2019

Msgr. Enzler Honored as Community Leader of the Year

Catholic Charities President and CEO Msgr. John J. Enzler was honored with the Community Leader of the Year Award on Nov. 22 by the Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County. The award was presented by Jay...
by Will Espinoza
November 27, 2019

What Inspires You to Pay it Forward?

As I reflect on the past several months and prepare for the holiday season, I’m mindful of the many times...
by Tara Arras
November 25, 2019

Virtual Food Drive: Be the Reason We are Able to Feed Our Hungry Neighbors

Imagine for a moment that you are an immigrant to this country, trying to build a better life for you...
by Will Espinoza
November 22, 2019

Beth Veihmeyer: Giving Back as a Calling

As the season of giving quickly approaches, Catholic Charities DC is so fortunate to be supported by an incredible community...
by bbdeveloper
November 8, 2019

Lou Christopher Takes Over Leadership of Catholic Charities’ President’s Council

Lou Christopher and Lulu Gonella As 2019 draws to a close, Catholic Charities announces that Lou Christopher, vice chairman of...
by Will Espinoza
November 6, 2019