Giving Communities
Our donors’ generosity is celebrated with membership in a Giving Society.

Giving Societies
We express our heartfelt appreciation for the generosity of our donors who make possible the programs and services that serve our community.
83.33 Society

83.33 Society
Members of the 83.33 Society make a difference through philanthropy in the form of monthly gifts. By participating in networking and volunteer opportunities, they increase awareness of the issues facing D.C. and surrounding Maryland counties, and lead by example in how those in the community can be agents of change.
Enzler Society

Enzler Society
This group of individuals, ages 21-35 years old, is dedicated to raising awareness about Catholic Charities’ mission of service through volunteer services and community networking. Their volunteerism supports Mulumba House, which provides permanent supportive housing for participants in Catholic Charities’ Welcome Home Reentry Program.
Good Samaritan Society

Good Samaritan Society
The Good Samaritan Society recognizes and honors donors who have generously included a gift for Catholic Charities in their estate plans. These gifts can take various forms, including a making gift through your will, designating Catholic Charities as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or other financial account, and establishing a Charitable gift annuity or donor advised fund. An estate plan gift allows us to continue our mission of helping those in need by creating a lasting impact through a legacy. Members are invited to an annual brunch and other private events.
Living Faith Society

Living Faith Society
Members of the Living Faith Society help sustain the work of Catholic Charities through their ongoing, monthly support. Members who make a recurring gift receive a subscription to our publications and invitations to service opportunities and other gatherings. They take pride in knowing that their support helps Catholic Charities be more effective and, thus, expand the possibilities for our positive impact on people in need. To become a member, visit the Donate Now page and select: “Yes, automatically repeat this gift every month.” For questions, contact Tim Beresnyak, annual giving and direct marketing officer, at 202-772-4300.
Leadership Giving Circles

Leadership Giving Circles
Annual leadership giving circles — Founder’s Circle, President’s Circle and Circle of Hope — honor the commitment and cumulative giving of our most generous supporters. They make possible the programs and services that distinguish Catholic Charities. These members are recognized with invitations to private events and acknowledged in our publications for their contributions of at least $10,000 annually. To learn more, contact us at