Lenten Food Drive

Give So Others Don’t Go Hungry

One out of 10 residents in the D.C. metro area is food insecure.

Hunger increased significantly during the pandemic, and food security is still a long way from pre-pandemic levels. Children are directly affected. The percent of the food-insecure population with children at home increased from 43 percent before the pandemic to 69 percent since COVID.
You can help.

This Lent, make a commitment to make a change by contributing to the Lenten Food Drive, a collection by schools and parishes in the Archdiocese of Washington. Begun during the visit to Washington, D.C., by Pope Benedict, the drive provides hundreds of thousands of pounds of food to local food banks and parish pantries each year.

Donations will benefit hungry families in our local community, stocking shelves at your local food bank.

Thank you for answering the call to help.

Collection Details

Simply fill a bag with shelf-stable food and bring it to your parish or school by the deadline. To ensure that pantries receive what is really needed, please fill your bag from the category paired with the first letter of your last name as outlined in the bag instructions included below.

Schools: March 31 – April 4, 2025

Parishes: April 5 and 6, 2025

Bag instructions

A-C: Dried Grains and Legumes
(rice, dried beans, lentils, corn tortillas, flour, etc.)

D-F: Canned Proteins
(tuna, peanut butter, salmon, chicken)

G-I: Pasta Sauces
(pasta, spaghetti sauce, macaroni & cheese)

J-L: Soups
(beef stew, chili, chicken noodle, turkey, rice)

M-N: Canned Vegetables – Low Sodium
(mixed, green beans, corn, tomatoes)

O-Q: Whole Grain Cereals
(cheerios, cornflakes, raisin bran, plain oatmeal)

R-S: Canned Fruits
(pineapple, peaches, pears, applesauce)

T-V: Snacks
(raisins, nuts, cookies, crackers, popcorn)

W-Z: Cooking Oils
(vegetable oil, olive oil, canola oil, Smart Balance)

Downloadable Directions


Contact Evette Howard, program manager, Parish Partners Program, at 240-216-3946 or by email.