Parish Ministry

Parishes are involved in an array of charitable works. Catholic Charities seeks to be a partner with the Archdiocese of Washington parishes and schools to better serve those in need. Catholic Charities serves parishes and schools through:

Parish Service Program

The Parish Service Program assists parish groups to create or enhance ministries of service at the parish. This could be food pantries, substance abuse programs, ESOL classes, programs for those with different abilities and ministry to the elderly. Find out more.

Parish Partners Program

The program works together with parish staff and volunteers to assist families seeking help through parishes in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington. Parishes always have been sources of help for all people. The Parish Partners Program adds the expertise and services available through Catholic Charities to each parish’s efforts, connecting families and individuals with community and Catholic Charities programs.

Catholic Schools Outreach

Exposing students to the tenets of Catholic social teaching is the guiding principle for our youth outreach program. Catholic Charities programs allow volunteers of all ages to participate.  Opportunities include SHARE Food Network, food drives, St. Maria’s Meals program, homeless shelter cleanups and more. The holidays come with additional needs, and we welcome schools to volunteer at this time. We are happy to work with faculty to help provide an interactive learning experience.

Volunteer Calendar

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