Immigrant and Refugee Services
Starting a new life begins with connecting to the community.

Washington, D.C., is home to a thriving and vibrant community of immigrants from around the world. Many come to America with the dream of starting over and building a better life. Others flee violence and the fear of death, seeking asylum and safety. We offer immigration legal services, case management as they work to overcome barriers to stability, connections to employment and language services.
Our Programs and Services
English as a Second Language Course

English as a Second Language Course
Our Spanish Catholic Center in Gaithersburg offers English as an Other Language (ESOL) classes designed to provide educational resources that will allow non-native English speakers to learn vital life and work skills.
Immigration Legal Services

Immigration Legal Services
Immigration Legal Services provides legal assistance with immigration matters to foreign-born individuals and their families. Legal services include green card applications, naturalization applications, temporary protected status and more.
Newcomer Network

Newcomer Network
The Newcomer Network helps newcomers to our country become more stable, empowered and connected to their communities. Through a navigator program, it works with newcomers to identify goals and makes services available to them in a convenient referral system.
Refugee Services Center

Refugee Services Center
The Refugee Service Center offers case management and employment support services to recent refugees, asylees and victims of human trafficking residing in D.C. as they seek to make a new start in the United States.
We Have More Service Areas to Explore
We operate 47 programs in 29 locations in Washington, D.C., and five surrounding Maryland counties. Some of the ways we help include:
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