WASHINGTON, July 7, 2023 — Catholic Charities has been informed by The Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of Washington that the late Msgr. James Montgomery was placed on the
archdiocese’s list of credibly accused clergy.
This action follows a thorough archdiocese review of allegations of sexual misconduct of minors
while Msgr. Montgomery was director of Catholic Charities from 1974 to 1981 and a report by a
survivor of physical and sexual abuse by Msgr. Montgomery at Annunciation Parish and School
in the 1980s. Msgr. Montgomery is deceased.
We share our profound sorrow for the survivors of sexual abuse for the pain and suffering they
have experienced.
The dignity and well-being of all people are at the center of Catholic Charities’ mission of
service. Catholic Charities is committed to maintaining the highest standard of conduct and
service. We promote a safe environment through child protection practices, and grievance and
whistleblower programs.
To make a report of sexual abuse, contact law enforcement or the archdiocese’s Office of Child
and Youth Protection and Safe Environment at 301-853-5302 or online.
About Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
Catholic Charities DC is the largest independent social services agency in the Metropolitan D.C.
area. As the charitable arm of the Archdiocese of Washington, Catholic Charities DC invests in
communities by providing critical services to hundreds of thousands of people in need
throughout the District of Columbia and Montgomery, Prince George’s, Charles, Calvert and St.
Mary’s counties in Maryland. The organization works tirelessly to give help that empowers and
hope that lasts to those it serves regardless of background, belief or circumstance. For more
information, visit www.catholiccharitiesdc.org and follow us on social media @CCADW