St. Maria’s Meals
St. Maria’s Meals feeds and promotes the dignity of each person.

About the Program
St. Maria’s Meals provides hot and nutritious meals to unhoused individuals and others experiencing food insecurity.
St Maria’s Meals operates a free take-away meal service from 5-6 p.m. on Wednesdays outside the Catholic Charities headquarters building at 924 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001. No registration or application is required. A line forms shortly before 5 p.m.
Special holiday St. Maria’s Meals feature a sit-down meal for clients served by volunteers.
Background: In 2013, then CEO Msgr. John Enzler and a Catholic Charities supporter had a vision to provide a hot and hearty meal for those who were living on the streets and in our shelters. The idea led to the creation of St. Maria’s Meals in 2014. That first year, 234 meals were served. Today, tens of thousands of meals are served each year.
Contact Information
- 924 G Street Northwest, Washington, DC
Additional Information
5-6 p.m. Wednesdays

See St. Maria's Meals in Action

St. Maria’s Meals provides a hot meal prepared by Catholic Charities’ KitchenWork program weekly at a downtown D.C. location.
Get Involved
Getting involved by volunteering and donating is a meaningful way to make a positive impact in our community.

Volunteers help set up and break down serving tables and dish up meals. Some can be found sharing stories, smiles and words of encouragement with clients. Families, groups of coworkers, individuals and students have all served as St. Maria’s Meals volunteers. To volunteer, please sign up here. If you have a large group that would like to volunteer at St. Maria’s Meals, please contact Thomas Roddy for information.

Help feed those who are unhoused and experiencing food insecurity.
Need Help? We Are Here For You
Our services are available to anyone regardless of race, religion, orientation or status. We offer access to food, a warm place to rest and attention to physical and mental needs through eight areas of care:
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